Signed in as:
It is the End
The only voice I have left
is to read you a love poem
assuaging like waves
caressing our shoulders
with the light of a sunset
and if you are far from the water
look at the mountain ridge
bathed in yellow and orange and green
I live with rabbits
owls serenade me at night
when the full moon
makes all the stars envious
I think of all the love we made
and the tall grasses
I whisper pomegranates
and divulge the very lips
that services your smile
nothing is left to touch
if not loved
such a simple word, love
the very nectar of everything
worth living for
trees whales harmonic resonances
conquats peaches roses
the only voice I have left...
Ten years ago poems- May 27th, 6:31 pm 2014, Half moon bay
Flowers in the gardens of hell
Thorny budless
hybrid rosebush
figless fig trees
bald apricots
no grapes
no olives
rotten purple jasmine
night blooming kumquats
poppy seedless
odorless lavender
Magnolias negras
amapolas heridas
weak orchids
opaque hyacinths
no bees flowers
flores sans picaflor-colibri
gardens sin ballenas
and delfines
no leatherback turtles
in this garden
just choking seaweed
voracious kelp
carnivorous flowers
with poisonous stems
dangerous pistils
toxic chlorophyll
burnt flowers garden
garden nero
bloody red
stinky garden
garden sin birds
garden full of scream
and snails
flores de mal-ojo
evil eye flowers
flowers without lips
kissless flowers
garden sin musique
deaf gardens
gardens blind
cold fires garden
fires without light
the fires of hell
scorched flowers
ash flowers
stone flowers
dead flowers
in the gardens of Gaza
April 2nd
--de aquí--
Se va chiquito
de minúscula
poquita pala
pisando ligero
sin caniones
ni perdices en vuelo
garrapateado a este mundo
girando millas por segundo
sin mareo
con marea y luna
hacer callado
practicando con pacienza de nubes
pues me gustas tanto
tus ojos: un suspiro
tu boquita: pura miel
y tus caderas: nena!
a sottovoce
al milagro de corazones
fierro a la codicia
y a los avaros
desterrarlos al desierto
a la infértil planicie
a bosques callados
a sierras oscuras
donde poca luz visita
"os debéis iros de aquí"
dejad este manantial puro
sin la mano sucia del hombre..
versos de agua
poesía pájara
infinitos los besos
y más alegría!
--from here--
To go small
of lowercase
little shoveling
without cannons
nor flying partridges
stuck to this world
going around at miles per second
not getting dizzy
with tide and moon
to make in silence
practice with the patience of clouds
because I like you so!
your eyes: a sigh
your little mouth: pure honey
and baby: your hips!
a sottovoce
to the miracle of hearts
hot irons to greed
the miserly exiled to the desert
to infertile plains
to silent woods
dark sierras
where little light visits
"thou shalt leave thy place"
get away from this pure manantial
untouched by men's dirty hands...
stanzas of water
bird poetry
infinite kisses
and more joy!
May 14th
my birthday again
a la p.m.
Count me in, lucky I
Adonis, Nike, Zeus
Gifted by the gods
touched by goddesses
we were there
in a Brahma's dream
awoken by the sea
molded by lava
fragrant like a rose
in Rumi's garden
and we slept together
in a bed of flowers
petals soft as cotton
thorns absent
the dew of morning rainbows
entwined our multiple legs
fingers grew long
into our hairs
it all happened
and continues unraveling
traveling in comet's tails
singing the music of the spheres
Is it you or is it me
radiant summit
the very nectar of the date palm
the foliage of your brows
shades my desires
I laugh at the acquisition
of more touching
more kisses
more resplendent light
reflected in your eyes
as the sun sets
over our shoulders
Atlas hold us on
Bajo el mar se encuentran, ahogados,
todos los besos que no te di
La culpa no es de nadie
la marea caprichosa
no llego a recibirnos
Yo me fui despues de la luna,
tu, tu ya te habias ido,
mojado tu pelo
como si hubiera llovido
No hay mas por hacer que soñar,
soñar con flores y otros momentos,
soñar con nuestros cuerpos salpicados de besos,
de la memoria de ancestros,
de tantas cosas lindas, escuelas y baldíos,
y el ladrar de perros callejeros
de cuando fuimos niños
Under the sea rest, drowned,
all the kisses I did not give you
Nobody's faul but disencounter,
the tide, capriciously , did not receive us
I left after the moon, you,
you have been gone already
your hair wet as if rained
Nothing left to do but dream
dream with flowers and other moments
dream of our bodies splashed with kisses
the memory of ancestors
so many beautiful things
schools and dry marshes
the bark of stray dogs
as when we were kids
In many nights like this
when sleep is erring
and the waves keep me awake,
close to the shore they sound angry
but at a distance there are cooing me
and although failing to make me dream
they tenderly blow mist of whale's breath my way
then, as the fog horn sings its mermaid song
and the owl joins
I remember my evening walk by the beach at sunset
how lucky those mothers I saw
with their kids flying late kites
on a sky full of birds
from where the only thing that falls
are autumn leaves
how lucky I am even if sleep does not come tonight
it is only because this peace and the stars
are too good to miss
the pleasure of seeing you
by my side and hear you resting
my feet touching yours
your hair over the pillow
a bit stranded
there is a peace on these nights
all people should witness
and lovers share, even when one is asleep
and the other writing these...
Ha!, I "ve found the perfect rest
Ha! the chair in the right position
the room the rabbits the waves
my feet up, inhaling
door opened to the sky, the field, the ocean
the cypress tree and the birds
Ha! it doesn't end there...
Ha! exclamation snap of fingers
zapateo palmas, exhale
a: ha! moment
solo y a sottovoce
alas: "el viento, acariciándome,
medita conmigo."
Friday May 3rd
almost 62 years old
(working on my posthumous poetry anthology...)
Half Moon Bay, California.
February first and doppo morire
or vedere Roma.
Work at what, writing a poem ?
Writing poetry should be a paseo,
a stroll in the park, a deer park
full of Bodhi trees .
Candy poem
con candela
and camaraderie.
Poemas de cafe.
Poemas en Sausalito.
North Beach poems.
Big Sur poems.
Half moon bay
Este febrero volvere un poco
a esa lengua espaniola
que me vio nacer.
feb. 1st .
El amor sacro o el amor profano?
That is the question.
Tell your story, convex or concave?
So many questions
and it is just Monday.
Rain in the horizon
wind right behind it
The moon content
Jupiter quiet
and Venus in heat,
good winter heat
The rock rose bush thriving
in the greenhouse
All houses should be green
all roofs must leak
a little bit
All fences rot,
walls collapse,
have we not learned "any"...
Every year has its winter
and every four years a storm.
But what will the future be,
will it be concave:
receiving, amalgamation,
recruiting, accepting,
Or will it be convex:
exporting, denying,
embarging, molestation
Feb 1st of the lunar calendar
Not 2021.
Like perfect pitch
the rose is a rose
rare ability to give scent
without reference
The sum of all being
actual and potential
the jasmine entwined
wrapped around sentences
Like perfect perspective
to see Turner's paintings
under the London fog
clear eyes
A "Mozarted" poem
written in a whim
casual as a caged bird
Arriving at the syntactic
with out laborious
Deaf to the rules
as Beethoven
and yet writing loudly
But of course
we have few Bachs
in literature
Is there a thing
as perfect grammatic craft
Will merit reward
the hard at work
or the hardly working
I dont want to over do it
spoiling the vastness
of this short little present moment
looking for words to describe a flower' scent
Of course one can not write for everybody
the whole of academia passing by
thru a window going fast on a bus
and you are not there riding it
Nor here nor there
occupied with the maintenance
of the magnetic world and other daily minutiae
nostril hairs ear wax
swimming with dolphins
praising and praying
in contradictory tides
For you to say : work at it
if you want to get good
and me responding : the rose committed to being a rose
has the scent to prove it !
In-between Poem.
numero uno.
Secede! time to go sailing
to new horizons,
get the boats ready
let’s aim for warm places.
Away from this insanity,
but wait... wait...
we are not going anywhere
we want them to go!
In my book you are out,
I am staying
and making this union
all over again.
We will burn the old constitution and replace all senators and congress men and women
and jail some with supreme court judges and lawyers.
We survived Monica,
we can survive this apprentice.
The joker sits at the white house but only does that,
sits and eat peanuts
and talks golfing and sport fishing ... Let’s have compassion
for this retarded narcissist
homophobic racist mother fucker...
as history brakes apart
this fervent union.
Secede California !
Mauro Feb. tres XX XX
I watched the sun set today
over the glorious Pacific,
the waves rolling perfectly,
parents walking their kids,
bikers, surfers, birds.
The sky Cezanne blue.
The light, Van Gogh
Hard to think that
in this beautiful
and industrious land
all is not well.
Things happen
in a particular time.
All deposited love
is in a crisis
no finance's wizard can resolve.
There is interest
sticking again
in the cumulative mud
of discontent
The fear
that feeds the anger,
All is not well
The makers of faith and regulations,
from the podium of the senate
to the altars of temples,
insist in making us believe
we are better than what we really demonstrate
with our actions
From the sanctum of social media
far away in the south Pacific
the Titans rule: be heard, or not
All is not well
because friends are missing
the hugs of friends,
and the friendly kissing
and the things we did
when we were free
Are we really that late...?
Have we crossed the Mississippi?
Has the milk of our way soured?
I will not leave you with catastrophe,
but with music and champagne
I will end this poem with a song
I will end this poem
with the word: "song"
and the words of a song
that sings: Aauuummmmmmmerica
jan 17th
3 days to the 20th.
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